In the division of labor and cooperation with business personnel, product managers no longer have the core value of creativity and ideas, but only become the implementers of this job function email list value. Of course, this is not absolute. Of course, product managers can also come up with job function email list ideas and ideas. This is why we say that in traditional enterprises, product managers must learn business. If they don’t understand business, it is difficult for product managers to exert greater value. , can only become the executor. But we also need to understand one of the key points:
Even if the product manager has come up with great ideas job function email list and ideas, they need to be expressed to the business people, then the business people will make decisions, and finally the business people will initiate the process. In this process, business people are the job function email list explicit creators of ideas and ideas, while product managers are buried deep in the background. This, for product managers, is very cruel. Creativity and ideas are hidden, and that is not the whole problem.
The real problem is that all contributions made by product job function email list managers to requirements will be classified as business personnel, including user research, creativity and ideas, supplements and suggestions for requirements, and implementation plans for requirements job function email list on products. These requirements-related work, for product managers, are all in vain. The reason is that in traditional enterprises, business personnel are the proposers of requirements, and the contributions of all aspects of natural requirements will be classified into this role. The only contribution that can really fall .