On the other hand, precisely the fluidity of his Whatsapp Mobile Number List writing and the multiple proper names and themes in which he ventures enable new and unexpected approaches to his work. «We will study all the great renewal movements: Whatsapp Mobile Number List political, philosophical, artistic, literary, scientific. Everything human is ours”, wrote our author in the initial presentation of his Amauta magazine. Mariátegui's enduring attraction is Whatsapp Mobile Number List also due to the reading possibilities that stem from the surprising ubiquity of his interests.
That proliferating and unprejudiced character of Whatsapp Mobile Number List his intellectual praxis is compensated, in his constant openings, by a kind of internal compass. As Álvaro Campuzano pointed out in a lucid recent essay, the “protein, complex and moving framework” that makes up the wide range of themes visited by Mariátegui’s pen is regulated Whatsapp Mobile Number List by a “basic orientation, comparable to a gravitational force”5. But where does that nucleus lie around which orbits, at a greater or lesser distance, the plurality of his writings? Here we maintain that he stands on the horizon of a cosmopolitan socialism. Since 1918, and with increasing vigor, the Whatsapp Mobile Number List first of the terms of that formula will be part.
Strictly speaking, the Peruvian carried out an Whatsapp Mobile Number List operation exactly opposite to the one deployed by the main current of followers of the French thinker, whose imperious demands for the concretion of a revolutionary myth enabled the Whatsapp Mobile Number List passage from class to nation, thus providing a weighty ingredient in shaping the fascist political culture18. In Mariátegui the path was going to be the opposite. As he wrote, "the new Whatsapp Mobile Number List romanticism, the new mysticism, brings other myths, those of socialism and the proletariat"19.