Is your cat one of those people who likes to hang out under the table, hoping to pounce on any morsel of food that might fall off your fork? Cats are certainly above begging, but they can certainly show more than polite interest in what you're eating, and their dignity doesn't preclude them from putting themselves in the position of chewing gum in the air if the opportunity arises. Thanksgiving is especially popular with kitties because our love of turkey is mere fantasy compared to the single-minded devotion your cat will enjoy a juicy slice of breast meat.
You've probably heard that table scraps are bad for your cat's health, but some are definitely worse than others. As you approach the dinner table this Thanksgiving, arm yourself with the knowledge of what parts of the feast your cat can safely share, and which bits are a serious no-no.
As mentioned, most cats will climb over your exhausted body to get to the mallet. Fortunately, turkey is good for them – check the ingredients of many homemade cat diets and rabbit food in bangladesh you'll find that turkey is up to 75% of the ingredients. So feel free to give your kitty a piece of lean meat, but be careful not to get it near the skin or bones. Turkey skin is very high in both sodium and fat, causing indigestion and choking risks, while the bones - being hollow and relatively fragile - can easily splinter and get stuck in your cat's throat.