I'm known for saying, "Nothing happens until you get a lead". But if you're in a position right now where you're getting a lot of leads, but they aren't Canada WhatsApp Number List converting into customers for you, then you will have to change up the way you market to your leads. Leads are easy to get, but can be a tough bunch if you don't know how to turn them into customers. The best way to get Canada WhatsApp Number List sales is with email marketing. And if you're in a competitive niche, this is especially true. Email marketing is one of those strategies where you just have to Canada WhatsApp Number List believe in the system, and keep working those leads until they buy.
But if you want to make your email list profitable, there are some specific things that you will want to do with your email marketing plan. In fact, let's take a Canada WhatsApp Number List look at some of the ways that you can monetize your email marketing list: 1) Contact them every 3 days This seems to be the magic number. Every 3 days contact your subscribers and give them some Canada WhatsApp Number List valuable information that they can use to have success in what it is that they are trying to accomplish. Don't email them everyday... this will make you seem like a Canada WhatsApp Number List pest. And don't email twice a day - it's the fastest way to make someone unsubscribe from your list.
The 3 day period gives them enough time to Canada WhatsApp Number List digest what you've stated in your previous email, and will give them a feeling of "missing you" when it comes to anticipating your next email. I've tested this many times, and 3 days seem to be the magic number. They say that it takes about 7 contacts to your sales page before someone will buy from you. And I agree Canada WhatsApp Number List with this notion. Keep marketing, and make it a point to add more and more messages into your autoresponder. Here's another way to monetize your email marketing list: 2) Get leads from Canada WhatsApp Number List offline Some of the best buyers that you will get will come from offline prospects.